This may happen due to mismatched Organization Org id in the Orginfo.json file
Stop the Roaming Client service if lockdown has not been selected at the time of install. This can be done by running the command net stop csc_umbrellaagent on the command prompt. Alternately, from the GUI, Start, Run services.msc and run as administrator if not already elevated to admin. Then, find "Cisco secure client Umbrella Roaming Security Agent" in the list and click the Stop button.
Delete the entire C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco secure Client\Umbrella\data folder
Delete the file C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\Umbrella\OrgInfo.json
Download fresh Umbrella Roaming Security Module Profile file (OrgInfo.json) from the Umbrella dashboard
Place the OrgInfo.json that you downloaded from the org to the C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client\Umbrella folder
Start the Roaming client/cisco secure client service : net start csc_umbrellaagent